Initial Project: Water Sustainability
Turkana Basin Region of Kenya, Africa
Lack of access to a safe source of drinking water is an enduring issue that has afflicted communities around the world for years; however, in latter years, exacerbation of water scarcity on an international scale has accelerated exponentially. Rapid population growth, increased pollution, overexploitation of natural resources, intensified climate change, and unsustainable energy production and industrial practices are all significant contributing factors of this global crisis. While developing nations may have the capital and the resources to maintain water sustainability, geographic, sociocultural, and economic disparities predispose underdeveloped nations to endure the following deleterious effects of a lack of access to potable water sources: increased health risks, malnutrition, and indigence and decreased effective healthcare, education, and egalitarian opportunity.
The World Health Organization predicts that nearly 50% of the global population will live in water-stressed areas by 2025 if we don’t undergo drastic reform. It is critical that we devote certain efforts to amelioration of this crisis before it escalates to a point where it becomes unmanageable and irremediable. The time to act has always been and will continue to be now.
Project Mission
Our project entails the installation of a sustainable off-grid solar energy source and microgrid for atmospheric water generation in a remote, destitute community in Turkana County, Kenya where we can work to alleviate the destructive effects of water scarcity in the region and save lives.

The atmospheric water generation technology and system will undergo testing at the renowned Turkana Basin Institute Turkwel Research Facility in Turkana County as part of their hub for innovation. After assessing the technology’s functionality, the system will be relocated to a nearby village, improving the given populace’s access to safe drinking water.
Presently, the surrounding impoverished villages face tremendous adversity, for they are low-income communities where inhabitants earn upwards of $2 a day in income. Their current GDP could never meet the minimum requirements for reform; as it is, it’s hardly enough to provide for their basic needs.
These people need our help. If we don’t step up now, who will?
The atmospheric water generators will be sourced through Watergen. The solar-power microgrid will be sourced through regional businesses in Kenya, Africa. By taking this route, our group promotes further change by means of stimulating economic development and growth in this underdeveloped nation.

This project will be executed in partnership with Sustainable Off-grid Solutions for Sustainable Economic Development or SOSAED and Turkana Basin Institute or TBI, two innovative teams affiliated with Stony Brook University in the United States and operating on the grounds of Northern Kenya.
- SOSAED is a charitable organization whose work in sub-Saharan Africa is focused around promoting economic sustainability in low population density communities.
- TBI is presently one of the leaders of scientific research in the remote area of sub-Saharan Africa. Their operations occur in the Turkana Basin region from their renowned research facilities, TBI-Ileret and TBI-Turkwel.
Technology: Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) by Watergen
On account of their cutting edge, patented GENius heat-exchange technology, Watergen quickly became one of the preeminent global leaders in development and implementation of water-from-air solutions. GENius is the world’s most energy-efficient heat exchange molecule of its kind and produces potable water from humidity in the surrounding atmosphere—an unlimited water source—at five times more water per kilowatt than competing technologies. GENius forms the foundation of each of Watergen’s products, including the company’s medium-scale atmospheric water generator, the AWG model that we intend to employ in Kenya, Africa, Gen-M.

- Premium Drinking Water Quality
- Energy Efficient & Cost Effective
- Environmentally Friendly Independent Water Solution: reduction in plastic usage, no piping
- Requires No Infrastructure
- Integrated Water Dispenser: cold or ambient
- Complies with International Water Purification Standards
Gen-M generates a maximum of 800 L of pure water daily. A built-in reservoir and treatment facility continuously circulates the water as it’s produced to preserve freshness. An integrated optimization energy module even optimizes water production in accordance with changes in climate, geography, and weather, enabling the equipment to function in a wide range of environments, including the climate of Turkana County, Kenya.
*After careful evaluation of the geographic, sociocultural, and economic standings of Turkana County, Kenya, we decided to power Gen-M by means of solar opposed to grid-supplied electrical energy.
More Information
Performance of the Cutting-edge GENius Heat-exchange Technology
Gen-M Performance
Watergen’s Global Impact